Flutter and Wow

Jay Fraser Pulse-paced, shifting likeOil on glass; greased rainbow memoryAnd glistering sub-recollectionA wavering reproduction (shaking)Held up to hear (to inspect the sound)And know (once-heard aural death)To be (Passed from this world to haunt) Jay Fraser is a...


let me be a holy habitationwhere your spirit is sentand mine, to die an endless deathlet me be what makes the rain freezeturns ocean into iceand clouds into moving smoke. Sloane Angelou is a storyteller & writer of West African origin; passionate about learning of...

Disaster Fatigue

Too many things don’t respondto a pause. And I say, so be it—It’s late and dark and stormy.Palms itch to pounceon uncalculated risksand pots of piss at rainbow’send. A red light flashes in the distance;it’s all eye of the stormthat won’t...

Ill (advised)

Everywhere I go I courtthe ambiguousamphibian atmosphere—the momentum of nostalgia—I remain unsteady—dizzy           from the breath of beauty,only incidentally free,marooned, unraveling.I no longer see your...

To the Coming Cold

As the season stained in leavesbegins to yell through feral winds,I watch the petals fall, each tingedin kisses of decay;like the greying of agetheir colors begin to fade.Reds soften to pinks like the flush of flesh,purples dull like grapes left rotting on the...